Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States
Association de Linguistique du Canada et des États-Unis

Annual Dues Form, Membership Application, Forum Pre-registration

This page provides for (1) payment of annual dues for existing members or membership application and fee payment for new members and (2) pre-registration for the 2009 LACUS Forum. The following links can be used to navigate through this page:

Dues Payment (existing members)
Membership Application (new members)
LACUS 36 Pre-registration (everyone)
Payment Options

LACUS DUES (existing members) July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010

Please print out, fill out, and send this dues form to the address indicated below, regardless of how you pay:

LACUS membership is concurrent with the LACUS fiscal year, running from July 1 through June 30. LACUS members are entitled to one copy of the proceedings of the conference held in the year of membership. Membership for 2009-2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010) will entitle you to the proceedings of the conference held at Pitzer College (Claremont, California) in August, 2009

You may become a member for any year retroactively by paying dues for that year; you will then be sent the Forum publication for that year. Note that the Board of Directors has also approved the solicitation of a voluntary contribution to the Ruth Brend Memorial Fund for assisting scholars from countries with weak currencies to attend the LACUS forum.

Dues payments and any questions about your membership status should be directed to the Secretary-Treasurer. Payment may be made (1) by check in U.S. or Canadian dollars, (2) by international money order, or (3) (later on) electronically through PayPal (using your PayPal account or your credit card). Our PayPal account is currently in maintenance mode. We hope it will again be able to accept payments by early May. Even if paying through PayPal, the form(s) for dues, membership, and/or registration must still be mailed in to provide the LACUS office with the information it needs.


LACUS: Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States

Dues renewal form July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010


PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION____________________________________________

PREFERRED MAILING ADDRESS___________________________________________



___________________POSTAL CODE ______________________________COUNTRY

office phone______________________home phone________________________

fax_______________________________email ____________________________

Membership fees (check or fill in):

....professional.......US $50........... Canadian $62............
....emeritus............US $40........... Canadian $50............
....student..............US $30........... Canadian $37............ membership.US $600.......... Canadian $750............

Voluntary Contribution to the Ruth Brend Memorial Fund for assisting scholars from countries with weak currencies:

..................................US $................ Canadian $................

TOTAL:.....................US $............... Canadian $................

Payment by .....Check .....Money Order

payable to "LACUS".

Please print out this form, fill in, and mail with check or money order to:

Lilly Chen, LACUS
Center for the Study of Languages, MS 36
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251-1892

Tel: 713-348-2820
Fax: 713-348-5846

Return to Top    Continue to Forum Pre-Registration    Continue to Payment Options

Application for LACUS Membership

LACUS membership is concurrent with the fiscal year, running from July 1 through June 30. Membership for 2009-2010 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010) will entitle you to the LACUS Forum volume from the 36th LACUS Forum at Pitzer College (Claremont, California) August, 2009.

Payment may be made (1) by check in U.S. or Canadian dollars, (2) by international money order, or (3) (later on) electronically through PayPal (using your PayPal account or your credit card). Our PayPal account is currently in maintenance mode. We hope it will again be able to accept payments by early May. Even if paying through PayPal, the form(s) for dues, membership, and/or registration must still be mailed in to provide the LACUS office with the information it needs.

Please print this form and send it by mail to Lilly Chen (see address below)

......LACUS: The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States

..............................................................Form for New Membership


Professional Affiliation:

Preferred Mailing Address, including postal code:

Office phone:

Home phone:



Membership fees (check or fill in) and indicate the method of payment below:

....professional.......US $50........... Canadian $62............
....emeritus............US $40........... Canadian $50............
....student..............US $30........... Canadian $37............
    life membership US $600......... Canadian $750..........

Voluntary Contribution to the Ruth Brend Memorial Fund for assisting scholars from countries with weak currencies:

..................................US $................ Canadian $................

TOTAL:.....................US $............... Canadian $................

Payment by .....Check .....Money Order

payable to "LACUS".

Please print out this form, fill in, and mail with check or money order to:

Lilly Chen, LACUS
Center for the Study of Languages, MS 36
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251-1892

Tel: 713-348-2820
Fax: 713-348-5846

For further information, contact Lilly Chen (
see above).

Pre-Registration Form
Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States
Association de Linguistique du Canada et des États-Unis

Venue: Pitzer College (Claremont, California)
Aug 4-8, 2009

Last Name________________   Given Name_______________  Gender: M or F

Institutional Affiliation ______________________________________________


City_______________ Postal Code_____________ Country _______________

Telephone___________ Fax_____________ E-mail______________________

Travel Information:
Date and approximate time of arrival_________________________________

Date and approximate time of departure______________________________

Do you expect to attend the LACUS Banquet on Friday night? __________
(Just give a tentative answer at this point, so we can estimate.)

Pre-registration fee:Please circle the appropriate amount and indicate method of payment. All checks and international money orders should be made payable to "LACUS". Note that if you are presenting at LACUS, you must be a member of LACUS. See the Membership Application, also on the page. If you are from outside of North America and have difficulty sending payment in US or Canadian funds, send in the form with statement that you will pay on arrival. After July 1 and on-site registration: add US$10 in each category.

$50 US / $62 Can (Emeritus: $40 US / $50 Can; Student: $30 US / $37 Can)

$55 US / $68 Can (Emeritus: $50 US / $62 Can; Student: $40 US / $50 Can)
Payment by .....Check .....Money Order

payable to "LACUS".

Please print out this form, fill in, and mail with check or money order to:

Lilly Chen, LACUS
Center for the Study of Languages, MS 36
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251-1892

Tel: 713-348-2820
Fax: 713-348-5846

Payment Options: Payment via Paypal is now available. You can also pay by check or money order. If you are unable to pay using one of these preferred methods, you cam pay in cash at the conference in August.
Payment Options
This is where you can pay for the different options above using PayPal.  To pay the correct amount please choose the option below that correctly matches what you will be paying for.  It is important to note that all payments will be in US Dollars.

  1. I will be paying for my membership fees only:
    1. Professional
    2. Emeritus
    3. Student
    4. Lifetime Membership
  2. I will be paying for my conference pre-registration only:
    1. I am a member of LACUS
      1. Professional
        US $50
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
      2. Emeritus
        US $40
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
      3. Student
        US $30
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
    2. I am not a member of LACUS
      1. Professional
        US $55
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
      2. Emeritus
        US $50
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
      3. Student
        US $40
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
  3. I will be paying for my membership fees and conference pre-registration together:
    1. I am a member of LACUS
      1. I am registered as a professional
        US $100
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
      2. I am registered as an emeritus
        US $80
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.
      3. I am registered as a student
        US $60
        Click here for directions on using Paypal.

Paypal instructions

After clicking on the Paypal payment button, you will be redirected to the Paypal site. There are two options to pay using Paypal: using your Paypal account, or using your credit card. If you have a Paypal account and wish to make your payment with it, sign in and follow the instructions. If you wish to use a credit card, fill in the form that appears on the Paypal page after you are redirected. You may have to scroll down the page a little to see it.