"Calibration of Agreement in the Landscape of Mental Predicates"
Gary Libben, University of Alberta:
"Ecological Validity in Experimental Psycholinguistic Research"
Keren Rice, University of Toronto
"On the Loss of a Language: Aboriginal Languages in Canada"
Angela Della Volpe, California State University, Fullerton, Presidential Address
"On Latin companion: An Excursus in Historical Linguistics
Continuing a tradition started by the late Kenneth Pike, a committee consisting of the President, the President-Elect, and former Presidents of LACUS will select the winner of the annual Presidents' Prize, with an award of $500, for 'the best paper' by a junior scholar. For purposes of this prize, 'junior scholar' is defined as one who has had a doctoral degree or its equivalent for less than five years.
The Presidents' Predoctoral prize, with an award of $100, will be given for 'the best paper' by a student who has not yet received a doctoral degree.
For purposes of these prizes, 'best paper' is defined as that which in the judgement of the committee makes the most important contribution to knowledge. Organization and presentation and the quality of the abstract may also be considered.
The prizes will be awarded at the annual banquet, to be held at the end of the meeting, Saturday, August 2nd.
Only single-authored presentations will be considered for prizes. A person who has won the same prize twice will no longer be eligible.
Junior scholars and predoctoral scholars should identify their status in the e-mail message sent in with the abstracts, to indicate their eligibility for one of the prizes.
Thanks to the Ruth Brend Memorial Fund, limited assistance for scholars coming from countries with weak currencies may be available. For information contact the Conference Committee Chair, David Bennett.
A panel of referees will select certain papers presented at the meeting for publication, with appropriate revisions, in LACUS Forum XXX.
The University of Victoria is located in a picturesque setting at the southern end of scenic Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The URL for the University of Victoria is http://www.uvic.ca
Updated conference information will be posted to the LACUS website at approximately the beginning of every month from now until July next. See http://www.lacus.org or http://www.glendon.yorku.ca/lacus (mirror site)
Detailed information will be sent to all LACUS members and to nonmember authors of accepted abstracts in March.
ADDRESS QUESTIONS about the conference program to David C. Bennett <db@soas.ac.uk>
ADDRESS QUESTIONS about the University of Victoria to Gordon Fulton <gdfulton@uvic.ca>
David Bennett, SOAS, London, Chair
Lilly Chen, Rice University
Angela Della Volpe, California State University, Fullerton
Sheila Embleton, York University
Gordon Fulton, University of Victoria
Sydney Lamb, Rice University
Lois Stanford, University of Alberta
William Sullivan, Univ. of Florida, Uniwersytet Wroclawski, and Uniwersytet im. Marii